The Surface Integrity Conference was held in Lyon from June 8 to 10, 2022.

We welcomed 260 participants from 24 countries and 5 continents. 230 participants were physically present in Lyon and 30 participants participated by videoconference through TEAMS.

Out of the 250 papers proposals, 152 papers were finally selected by the scientific committee and published in the Procedia CIRP journal (ELSEVIER - volume 108 -

The presentations were divided into 31 sessions dealing with 11 themes:

  • Numerical Modelling of SI
  • Post-processing of AM Parts
  • Advanced Materials & Coatings
  • Non-Conventionnal Processes
  • Cutting Processes & Residual Stresses
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Cutting Processes & Microstructure
  • Surface Mechanical Treatments
  • Abrasive Processes
  • SI & Functional Properties
  • Cutting Processes & Surface Topography

The conference officially started on Wednesday 8 June at 09:00 and ended on Friday 10 June at 13:00. An overview of the programme is presented below Programm of the 2022 CIRP CSI Conference.

The conference started with an opening ceremony. Then the traditional round table was organised with 5 experts (Prof. Brinskmeier, Prof. Arrazola, Dr. M'Saoubi, Prof. Rech, Dr. Dorlin) under the leadership of Dr. Meyer.

The conference was organised in hybrid mode with 3 or 4 sessions. All events (opening and closing ceremonies, keynotes and scientific presentations) were streamed live via the TEAMS platform. In the programme, all participants were gathered at the beginning of each half-day for an opening session in the main auditorium. Afterwards, participants were asked to take part in one of 3 or 4 parallel sessions.

Speakers had the choice to present their work in 3 different ways:

  • The first way was to present their work in the room (traditional method). At the same time, the presentation was broadcast on TEAMS for remote participants. After the presentation, the participants in the room could interact with the speaker. The remote participants could ask questions via the chat. The session chairman had to find a balance between questions from the floor and from the remote participants.

  • The second method was to present via video conference (TEAMS) and to interact with the audience (physically present in Lyon or connected remotely). Remote presentations from Asia were scheduled in the morning and remote presentations from America were scheduled in the afternoon. In the following figure, it is possible to see the presentation planed with TEAMS.

  • The third way was to show a pre-recorded video of the presentation. All speakers were asked to prepare a pre-recorded video. These videos were stored on a dedicated website. In case the speaker was not present in the room, or the remote participant was not able to connect in time, the corresponding video was projected in the room and broadcast on TEAMS.

Thus, with these 3 modes of communication, 100% of the presentations were delivered on time (+/- 2 min.) according to the programme. Of the 162 oral presentations, 152 pre-recorded videos were received. Thanks to these pre-recorded videos, remote participants from Asia were able to watch the presentations in the afternoon (European time). Vice versa, participants from America were able to watch the presentation scheduled in the morning.

The organisation of the hybrid mode, combined with the pre-recorded videos, was a real challenge. But it made the conference reliable and accessible to participants, even in case of last minute problems (pandemic, travel problems, ...).

The conference ended with the closing ceremony by the two presidents and the award ceremony.

During the conference, participants were able to vote for a contribution for the "Best paper award" and a contribution for the "best young scientist award". For the latter, candidates had to be no older than 30 years old on 1 January 2022 and candidates had to clearly state their intention to apply for an award when registering. A pre-selection of papers was made by the chairmen on the basis of the review of the papers by the scientific committee. 2 decisions "accepted" or "minor revisions" were needed to be selected.

The best paper award has been given to :Effects of the Manufacturing Chain on the Surface Integrity when Machining Fir Tree Slots with Alternative Manufacturing Processes (U.Küpper, T.Seelbach, L.Heidemanns, S.Prinz, T.Herrig, T.Bergs)

The best young scientist award has been given to :Influence of the reaming process on hole’s surface integrity and geometry  (T.Leveille, F.Valiorgue, C.Claudin, J.Rech, A.Van-Robaeys, U.Masciantonio, A.Brosse, T.Dorlin)

Prof. Joel RECH – Prof. José OUTEIRO, Chairmen of the CIRP CSI 2022

Organized by

Centrale Lyon ENISEEnsamLTDS

  Supported by


BRUKER ALICONADIGITAL SURFFIVESKnowledgeTivolyClub UsinagecimesFONDATION ENISELabexIngéLyseInstitut CarnotLA REGION AURACNRSCentrale innovationCentre des Congrès Lyon



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